Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Surplus Spy Stuff

I love Alex Rider and Young James Bond as much as the next person who comes along, but where does it end? There are so many spy books out right now I don't know which one to pick. Catch me if I'm wrong, but do 50% of these not include a plot line that goes something like this:

Confused protagonist is shocked to discover that the elite boarding school they just received acceptance to is really a spy academy *uber gasp*. They are either super smart or super gifted and most super villain plans have to do with bio-engineering or bombing India.

Am I right? So for a little bit of time I have shunned young adult spy novels (not to mention anything even resembling a "chick lit" *shudder*) altogether, only to find I was missing out on the great and fantasticamundo Gallagher Girl novels. Girls are portrayed cattier than ever, but it all seems so much less vapid when they sort things out with Tae-Kwon Do and firearms. Sure the premise is an A+ example of the plot mentioned above, but its almost like they created it. I don't know what it is, but Ally Carter manages to bring new life to Mission Impossible theme music! These books make me stand in long hallways with my fingers creating a mini-gun and cause the first of my thoughts on entering a room to be either I'm in or Check for bugs. So try them out. They're pretty good. I mean, where else are you going to find a book called I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You(Scroll over for the incognitoness) ? After a title like that everything else just seems like a poser.

Humming James Bond,
Agent 1-5-12-12-1 Siofra


Bri said...

YAY!! i love the gallagher girl books. well the first one anyway. i have yet to read the second. but im excited to get my hands on it!

Anonymous said...

that reminds me! i gotta go put the second one of these on hold.

these books were okay, but i have to admit i was ashamed carrying it around. not exactly my style, but people kept talking about them.
as soon as i finished i resumed plowing my way thorough War For The Oaks and then moving on to Sensitive, both more my speed.