Saturday, March 8, 2008

No longer quite so secret...

I know that you've just been dying to know what the SAP actually is.... Well, I'm actually going to tell you. Ok, not everything, but enough so that you can go find out for yourself. It is no longer called the SAP, but Invictus Verbum (IV for short). They have a forum and a blog *crowd ooh's and aahh's*. IV is run by Kiri, Kyoko, Shizuka, and Aletheia (personal friends of mine and all around fantastic people). It's really very exciting, so you must scurry over and give my regards (and view the artwork... wonder who did that beautiful title banner.... heheh).

Well, I'm not going to tell you everything, go check it out yourself! Oh, wait, you'll need a link won't you...

Click here to see the wonderful Invictus Verbum

From the Shadows,

~Medeia Senka~

P.S. You might even be able to post your own reviews... or so I've heard


Anonymous said...

What? What! Is that me you're talking about??

Oh, wow! Oh, joy! Oh, the glory!

Hope to see you there!

In the fog...
Kiri Vehemens.

Medeia said...

Well, you most certainly deserve it Kiri...

Anonymous said...

yay IV!

whoa...where'd the header image go?
or is that just me?
my internet is freaking out today, laptop wouldn't connect at all and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I changed it earlier... you must have been here when I was messing around with it... sorry if my meddling freaked you out.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i sort of guessed that, but why is there STILL NOTHING?
i'm getting NO HEADER IMAGE.
none at all.